Developing the Employability of Sociology Students


You are invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.
What is the purpose of the research?
The project seeks to understand:
1. Employers’ perceptions regarding future skills required for success in the workplace and to define the types of behaviours which would evidence possession of these skills.
2. Sociology students’, graduates' and academic staffs' perceptions regarding the development of required future skills in relation to the Sociology curriculum and wider student experience provision.
The research will be conducted by the University of Aberdeen Careers and Employability Service, with support and funding from the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU).
Do I have to take part?
No. Your participation is voluntary. If you do decide to participate you will be asked to indicate your consent by ticking a box in the next page of this survey. If you decide to participate you are still free to withdraw at any time up to the point of submitting your survey responses, after which time the data is anonymised so will not be able to be identified for removal.  
What will happen to me if I take part?
Participation will involve completion of a short online survey
Completion of the survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time.
The questions presented within the survey are designed to measure your perception of important skills required for the future work environment.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The data gathered during this research project may be used in future publications including, but not limited to, books, journal articles and conference proceedings.
The research may also be published on the University of Aberdeen’s website, on HECSU’s Report page and in the form of a LinkedIn article.
Research findings may be presented within flyers, workshops and presentations.
All data will be anonymised in the collection, storage and publication of research materials, unless explicit consent has been given not to anonymise it. All data generated by the study will be retained in accordance with University of Aberdeen’s Research Governance Handbook.
All electronic and paper-based data will be stored as password-protected files that can only be accessed by the research team. Any acquired hardcopies will be stored in a locked filing cabinet which will only be accessible by the research team. If electronic data are to be physically transferred, the protection of sensitive information will be ensured by storing the files in a password-protected laptop.
All data will be destroyed following a 10-year period.
Contact Details
If you have any general queries, require further information about the study or would like to withdraw your consent to participate, please contact the principal researcher.
Principal Researcher and Head of Careers and Employability Service:
Tracey Innes:
Lead Senior Careers Advisor for the School of Social Sciences:
Rhona Gibson:
Employer Liaison Officer:
Jill Rettie:
Research Project Intern:
Bernadett Ihasz- Kovacs:
If you have any concerns about the way in which the study has been conducted, you can contact Tracey Innes, Careers & Employability Service, University of Aberdeen +44 (0)1224 273601.
Ethical approval for this research project has been granted by the Committee for Research Ethics & Governance in Arts, Social Sciences & Business.  Any concerns in relation to ethical practice can be directed to
Dr Gearoid Millar, School Ethics Officer for Social Science:
Further Support
Careers advice and support is available to you should you wish to discuss issues relating to your individual career aspirations arising from your participation in this research project.  You can schedule an appointment at the Careers and Employability Service.  Contact:  Careers and Employability Service, 2nd Floor Students’ Union Building | 01224 273601 | |
Thank you for your time!
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