| Research project – Participant information sheet (survey) |
Study title: Maternity care experiences of asylum-seeking and refugee women in Scotland (MACAWS). |
You are being invited to take part in a research study, called MACAWS. This study is part of a PhD at the University of Aberdeen. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others, such as your community midwife, GP, friends, and relatives, if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information (our contact details are at the end of this information sheet). Take time to decide whether you wish to take part.
What is the purpose of the study?
Being pregnant and asylum-seeking or a refugee in a new country can be a lot to take it in. Here, in Scotland, we do not have enough information about maternity care experiences for women who have asylum-seeking or refugee status. The key purpose of this research study is to understand maternity care experiences of asylum-seeking and refugee women in Scotland. This study takes a closer look at what asylum-seeking or refugee women think about maternity services in Scotland, and what we need to do to meet their needs. It will help future attempts to improve their experiences in maternity services in Scotland. This information will be important for developing evidence and policies to support asylum-seeking and refugee women and to improve the maternity care experiences for other women in the UK.
Why have I been asked to take part?
We are looking for asylum-seeking or refugee woman, above 16 years old who have used maternity services in Scotland within the last 5 years. (name of charity/organisation/church etc) are assisting us with recruitment for this study and have agreed to share this with women who may be interested in participating on our behalf. We are interested to know about your views and experiences with maternity care services in Scotland. Maternity services mean any services related to care during your pregnancy, labour, birth and after birth such as attending appointments at a maternity hospital or receiving care from your community midwife.
Do I have to take part?
No. It is completely up to you whether or not you decide to take part in this study. Agreeing to join the study does not mean that you have to complete it, as you are free to withdraw at any time before submission. A decision to not take part or a decision to withdraw will not affect your legal rights or your current/future medical care No. It is completely up to you whether or not you decide to take part in this study. Agreeing to join the study does not mean that you have to complete it, as you are free to withdraw at any time before submission. A decision to not take part or a decision to withdraw will not affect your legal rights or your current/future medical care. Once you have completed the survey it will not be possible to withdraw your submission |
What will happen to me If I take part?
The survey will be a mix of tick-box style questions as well as open-ended questions to which you can provide more detailed answers. You will be asked about your experience of using maternity services. NoneThe survey will be a mix of tick-box style questions as well as open-ended questions to which you can provide more detailed answers. You will be asked about your experience of using maternity services. None of the healthcare professionals involved in your care will know whether or not you have responded. If you choose to take part in the survey, your responses will remain anonymous. This means that neither the research team nor anyone else will know who provided the answers. As a thank you for taking part in the survey, you will have a chance of winning a £25 shopping voucher. If you wish to be included in the prize draw, a separate survey will be provided to collect your contact details, ensuring the confidentiality of your survey responses. |
Also, at the end of the survey, we will ask if you would be interested in participating in another part of this study. This further participation will involve a one-to-one interview with the researcher, either in person, via phone or online through Microsoft Teams.. If you are interested, we will ask for your contact details using a different form from the survey responses. This ensures that your identity for the survey responses stays unknown to us. Taking part in the interview is completely optional. You can choose to take part in just the survey if you prefer. If you opt to complete the paper survey, two envelopes will be provided within our survey package. One is for your anonymous survey. The other envelope is a chance to win a £ 25 voucher or express interest in participating in an interview study. |
If you want to enter the prize draw or be considered for an interview, please ensure you return both the completed survey and the sealed envelope designated for the prize draw or interview. You will be entered in the prize draw if you include the completed survey. Any contact details you share, whether for the prize draw or to express interest in taking part in an interview, will be kept separately and confidentially in line with the UK’s data protection laws. These will be deleted at the end of the data collection period. Further information on how we will store and use your personal data can be found here: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/about/privacy/. |
How long will my part in the study take?
It should take no longer than 10- 15 minutes to complete the survey. Please read the questions carefully and answer all items by ticking the option you find most closely matches what you think and feel. You will have the chance to write comments or feedback for some questions if you wish. There are no right or wrong answers. |
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
It is unlikely that there will be any risks from taking part. However, there is the potential that you will find responding to some questions in the survey distressing or may bring back upsetting memories. It will ask you to reflect on your maternity experiences and any challenges you have had or have been through. You are able to stop at any time and you do not have to complete the survey if you do not wish. If the survey raises issues or questions of concern, you may find it helpful to contact your GP, midwife, or health visitor. Also, you can seek support from the following website resources:
Mind: Visit their website at www.mind.org.uk for mental health support and information.
Tommy's: Find resources and support related to pregnancy and infant loss at www.tommys.org. |
Amina: For information and assistance primarily focused on supporting Muslim and black minority ethnic women and their families, they provide advice, counselling, and advocacy, visit www.mwrc.org.uk (Muslim Women's Resource Centre).
Saheliya: Access specialist mental health and well-being support and information for black minority ethnic (BME) women, asylum seekers, refugee and migrant women and children atwww.saheliya.co.uk/ .
These resources can offer additional support if you find yourself in need during or after the survey. |
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
There are no direct benefits of taking part in the study. However, the findings of this research may lead to improved support for other asylum-seeking and refugee women navigating maternity services in the future. |
What if something goes wrong?
If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should speak to the researcher (email: h.farajallah.20@abdn.ac.ukor on 07964332901) or the lead supervisor Dr Mairead Black (email: mairead.black@abdn.ac.ukor on 01224 438437) who will do their best to resolve any issues you may have.
If you remain unhappy and wish to complain formally, please contact the University of Aberdeen Research Governance Team, by emailing:researchgovernance@abdn.ac.uk or calling 01224 437220
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
Yes. Your identity is totally confidential, and no identifying details will ever be made public. All data for analysis will remain anonymous and be identified using a number. If you decide to proceed with the survey, all data collected will be kept strictly confidential. processed under the terms of UK data protection laws. This means that all data will be stored on a secure server with access restricted to authorised members of the research team.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The results of the study will be written up as part of a doctoral thesis (PhD). The results of the study will be submitted for publication in relevant professional and academic journals and may be included in future research funding applications. A summary of the results will be made available in a format appropriate to the general public, in English and Arabic versions, on the study site. (Please note that this will not be available for the next 24 months or so). The researcher will also be presenting a summary of the results at a variety of conferences and meetings. No individual will be identified in any report or subsequent publication.
Who is organising and funding the research?
The study is being sponsored by the University of Aberdeen and organised and undertaken by the researcher, Heba Farajallah, under the guidance of the supervisory team. Initially, the PhD project was self-funded. Subsequently, partial funding was secured from NHS Grampian, AZF Giles scholarship (University of Aberdeen Development Trust) and The Iolanthe Midwifery Trust to cover research costs and PhD fees. |
Who has reviewed the study?
All research in the NHS is looked at by an independent group of people called a Research Ethics Committee to protect your rights and interests. This study has been approved and given a favourable opinion by the North West - Greater Manchester East Research Ethics Committee (REC reference: 23/NW/0316). |
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you would like further information or would like to ask any questions, please get in touch with one of the research team using the following details:
Heba Farajallah (MACAWS researcher), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition University of Aberdeen Room 1019 Polwarth Building Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD email: h.farajallah.20@abdn.ac.uk Tel: 07964332901
Mairead Black (Chief investigator of MACAWS) Senior Clinical Lecturer Aberdeen Centre for Women’s Health Research (ACWHR) University of Aberdeen Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Cornhill Road Aberdeen AB252ZD Email: mairead.black@abdn.ac.uk Tel: 01224 438437 |
Thank you for reading this information and considering taking part in this study.
If you are happy to participate after reading the above information, please tick the below box and proceed to question 1 of the survey. |
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